Most of my publications are available through ResearchGate:

Please contact me if you have problems accessing any papers or book chapters. I’d be happy to help!

For a chronological list, please see my profile on Google Scholar

General Philosophy of Science

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (2024). “Research Environments vis-à-vis Biological Environments: Ontological Parallels, Epistemic Parallax, and Metaphilosophical Parallelization.” European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 14, 46.

Philosophy of Biology

Fábregas-Tejeda A*, Martín-Villuendas M*. (2023). “What is the Philosophy of Organismal Biology?” ArtefaCToS: Revista de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 12(1), 5–25. *Equal first authorship.

Baedke J*, Fábregas-Tejeda A*, Prieto GI*. (2021). “Unknotting reciprocal causation between organism and environment.”  Biology & Philosophy, 36, 48.  *Equal first authorship.

Baedke J, Fábregas-Tejeda A, Vergara-Silva F. (2020). “Does the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis entail extended explanatory power?” Biology & Philosophy, 35, 20.

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Vergara-Silva F. (2018a). “Hierarchy Theory of Evolution and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Some Epistemic Bridges, Some Conceptual Rifts.” Evolutionary Biology, 45, 127–139.

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Vergara-Silva F. (2018b). “The emerging structure of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: where does Evo-Devo fit in?” Theory in Biosciences, 137(2), 169–184.

History of Biology

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Vergara-Silva F. (2022). “‘Man-made Futures’: Conrad Hal Waddington, Biological Theory, and the Anthropocene.” Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age, 19(1), 35-56.

Prieto GI*, Fábregas-Tejeda A*. (2022). “Richard Lewontin y la reciprocidad organismo-ambiente en la historia de la biología [Richard Lewontin and Organism-Environment Reciprocity in the History of Biology].” Ludus Vitalis, 29(56), 31-38. *Equal first authorship.

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Nieves Delgado A, Baedke, J. (2021). “Revisiting Hans Böker’s ‘Species Transformation Through Reconstruction: Reconstruction Through Active Reaction of Organisms’ (1935).” Biological Theory, 16, 63–75.

Baedke J, Fábregas-Tejeda A, Nieves-Delgado A. (2020). “The holobiont concept before Margulis.” Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 334, 149– 155.

Interdisciplinary Collaborations with Scientists

Catania F, Baedke, J, Fábregas-Tejeda A, Nieves Delgado A, Vitali V, & Nguyen Long L. (2021). “Global climate change, diet and the complex relationship between human host and microbiome: Towards an integrated picture”. BioEssays, 43, e2100049.

Book Chapters

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (2024). “Charting Contrasting Stances on Organismal Purposiveness and Agency in Early Twentieth-Century Biology.” In: Fábregas-Tejeda A, Baedke J, Prieto GI, Radick G (eds). The Riddle of Organismal Agency: New Historical and Philosophical Reflections (pp. 41–60). Routledge.

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Baedke J, Prieto GI, Radick G. (2024). “Organismal Agency: A Persistent Riddle in the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.” In: Fábregas-Tejeda A, Baedke J, Prieto GI, Radick G (eds). The Riddle of Organismal Agency: New Historical and Philosophical Reflections (pp. 1–20). Routledge.

Baedke J, Fábregas-Tejeda A. (2023). “The Organism in Evolutionary Explanation: From Early 20th Century to the Extended Synthesis.” In: Dickins T, Dickins B (eds). Evolutionary Biology - Contemporary and Historical Reflections Upon Core Theory (pp. 121–150). Springer, Cham.

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Baedke J. (2023). “Organisms and the Causes and Consequences of Selection: A Reply to Vidya et al.” In: Dickins T, Dickins B (eds). Evolutionary Biology - Contemporary and Historical Reflections Upon Core Theory (pp. 159–169). Springer, Cham.

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Baedke J. (2023). “Teleology, Organisms, and Genes: A commentary on Haig.” In: Dickins T, Dickins B (eds). Evolutionary Biology-Contemporary and Historical Reflections Upon Core Theory (pp. 249–264). Springer, Cham.

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (2022). “Síntesis Extendida” [Extended Synthesis]. In: Martínez M, Galindo J (eds). Diccionario de biología evolutiva para las ciencias sociales y las humanidades [Dictionary of Evolutionary Biology for Social Sciences and Humanities] (pp. 538–545). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City.

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Suárez-Díaz E. (2022). “Explicación en biología” [Explanation in Biology]. In: Martínez M, Galindo J (eds). Diccionario de biología evolutiva para las ciencias sociales y las humanidades [Dictionary of Evolutionary Biology for the Social Sciences and Humanities] (pp. 235–243). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City.

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (2021). “Dos debates en torno a la extensión de la ontología de la Síntesis Moderna: trazando puentes dialógicos en el evolucionismo contemporáneo con la teoría de construcción de nicho” [Two Debates regarding the Ontological Extension of the Modern Synthesis: Building Dialogical Bridges in Contemporary Evolutionism with Niche Construction Theory]. In: Barahona A, Casanueva M, Vergara-Silva F (eds). Biofilosofías para el Antropoceno: la teoría de construcción de nicho desde la filosofía de la biología y la bioética [Biophilosophies for the Anthropocene: Niche Construction Theory from the Standpoints of Philosophy of Biology and Bioethics], pp. 29-68. Heúresis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City.

Fábregas-Tejeda A, Escalante-Alcalde D. (2017). “Técnicas de manipulación genética en el ratón: implicaciones para el estudio funcional de células troncales [Genetic Manipulation Techniques in Mice: Implications for the Functional Study of Stem Cells]”. In: Chávez-González M.A, Chimal- Monroy J, Flores-Figueroa E, Lamas M (eds). Células Troncales: biología y aplicaciones en biomedicina. Tomo 1 [Stem Cells: Biology and Biomedical Applications. Volume 1] (pp. 289-321). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City.

Book Reviews & Miscellaneous Articles

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (2023). “Give in to Our Beastly Nature, or How the ‘Pop Science’ of What Makes Us Human Rose to Prominence.” H-Sci-Med-Tech, H-Net Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences.  

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (2019). “New Perspectives on Theory Change in Evolutionary Biology.” Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 50(4), 573–581.

Manuscripts Under Review

(Please note that titles are omitted so as not to compromise peer review.)

Paper on organism-environment boundaries (revise & resubmit).

Paper on niche construction and drift (revise & resubmit, co-authored).

Paper on challenges for trait individuation theories (under review).

Paper on the evolutionary agenda of basal cognition research (under review, co-authored).

Work   in Progress

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (in preparation). “Organicism Within and Beyond the Bounds of Biology.” (Commissioned by Acta Biotheoretica)

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (in preparation). “The Pulses of Organismal Normativity: A Metaphilosophical Bird’s-Eye View.”

Fábregas-Tejeda A. (in preparation). “Closeness, Loans, and Frictions between (Philosophy of) Biology and (Philosophy of) History, 1967-1972.”

Prieto GI, Fábregas-Tejeda A. (in preparation). “Representing with Model Organisms.”

Ávila-Cascajares FS, Fábregas-Tejeda A. (in preparation). “Conceptualizing Environments in the Study of Cognition.”


Edited Works